Best Hair Extensions That Help With Hair Loss
When first experiencing hair loss, due to a myriad of reasons from Trichotillomania, Alopecia, and Female Pattern Genetic Loss, your first instinct may be how to look and feel better. If you have a client that visits you for the above hair loss issues, you may also start investigating how to help cover, fill-in give your client more hair. Hair Loss at the top of the head can be handled with an expertly applied "hair topper," which will certainly address the top of the head, but many are suffering with diffuse hair loss (hair loss all over the head). It...

Best Hair Extension Makeover
Best Hair Extension Makeover A few decades ago client's would enter my hair salon with a picture of a hair style cut out of a magazine, the problem was their own hair could never achieve the style! Today, we have hair extensions, some are good for the hair and other's causing major damage! We have built "a better mouse trap!" The Veila Pull-Thru method gives the most amount of hair per square inch of natural hair without damaging natural hair. As a hair artist and supplier of Veila Hair Extensions in the United States, I am constantly upping the ante by taking on...