Stylists Recommend Learning More Than One Hair Extension Method
As we scroll the pages of our favorite social media, the most popular hair extensions today are beaded rows. Beaded rows consist of placing beads on the head and sewing wefts, aka, tracks of hair extensions around the wefts. There is certainly a specific customer for this method. 1) Medium to thick density hair 2) Client without hair loss due to Alopecia, Trichotillomania, or genetic hair thinning. 3). Not having an overly sensitive scalp 4). Curly/dense hair follicles Social media plays a huge role in which extension methods are considered the best, but if your hair is thin, fragile, or you have a...

Virgin Hair vs. Remy Hair Exensions

Veila Hair Extension Customer Service

Veila Hair Extensions Pull-thru New Design
Press Release October 10, 2020 A new hair extension method is revolutionizing the hair extension industry making work easier for stylists as well as keeping client’s hair damage free, welcome VeilaHairExtensions.com a pull thru design. This method offers no glue, tape, sewing, as well as being 90% more secure than other methods of hair extensions. What’s even better is the removal process, no messy sticky adhesives, tape or cutting! The process application & removal process is 1⁄2 the time of other types of hair extensions and most importantly will not damage hair! Perfect for All Hair Textures Add Less For...

Veila Hair Extensions New Design
Veila Hair Extensions No Damage, Secure, Easy To Remove & Invisible