Life Changing Confidence with Hair Extensions!

Life Changing Confidence with Hair Extensions!
Many people have hair challenges, too short, too thin, limp, or even falling out! Most are familiar with hair extensions so the next step is to invest in them, that was the case with the lovely young lady in the below video. The problem was she invested in hair extensions that were not suitable for her own hair which to led to a bad experience. Hair extensions follow trends, the latest trend is hand tied hair extensions which involve sewing hair against the scalp secured with microbeads. The challenge was is her hair follicles where they were not strong enough to support this system, and the stylist at the time attached too much hair which made them feel uncomfortable. She couldn't put her head on a pillow at night. She loved the confidence she gained with her new look, but could not live with the damage the hand tied hair extensions were causing!
Choosing The Best Method Of Hair Extensions
There are many methods of hair extensions, finding the proper extension to work with hair challenges and lifestyle is very important. Finding a professional that understands hair extensions, which method works best, how much weight to add per square inch of natural hair and with lots of experience is paramount. The client in the video has lots of strands of fine hair with a sensitive scalp. When we consulted with her, we knew our new Veila Pull-Thru design would not cause added tension to her sensitive scalp as they come in customizable sizes for areas of low density hair follicles. Our simple yet effective Pull-thru method, using a crochet hook to weave the hair into the hair extensions give you the ability to adjust for tension. It can be placed a bit away from the scalp to prevent pulling and she is able to wear her hair up. Our extensions are reusable for up to one year with proper care. We reapplied her hair extensions after 6 weeks for a maintenance check. Our virgin hair is the best quality available, notice the shine and natural look. She was amazed at the ease of removal and reapplying which only took one hour.
Life Changing Confidence
In her own words "I love it!". Hearing these words are so gratifying as a stylist, I could literally see the change in her demeanor and self esteem! She posed for the video with delight where she loved showing off her new locks. Hair extensions can be life changing, and be the catalyst to a new found confidence giving you radiance and social engagement.
What hair extensions do not damage hair?
It is generally known to be clip in hair extensions, however, the Veila Pull-Thru hair extensions with microbeads far outperform any method while delivering an easy maintenance, and the volume hair you are looking for.
Are hair extensions bad for thin hair?
Clip in hair does not work well due to the weight of the Weft of the hair extensions being too heavy. They have been known to slide out and cause strain on the hair, and with sensitive scalp be very uncomfortable. The Veila Pull-Thru hair extensions provide adjustable tension, and the microbeads are suitable for thin hair. The crochet hook allows the stylist to weave in the right amount of hair at the desired distance from the follicle to alleviate tension. This gives the client relief for everyday wear, and being able to sleep on them at night.
Does hair extensions cause hair loss?
Combined with thin hair, and the incorrect tension set with the likes of clip in hair extensions, it can lead to traction alopecia. It is a type of alopecia where the constant tension on the roots cause damage to the follicles. This is why the Veila Pull-Thru gives you that control on hair tension, where the method is ideal for thin hair applications.
What is the safest method and hair type?
Weaves of Veila Virgin hair are the best quality hair you can obtain, together with the Pull-thru method you can determine the volume and length you desire. They will be the longest lasting weaves of hair if they are well maintained, and are guaranteed to deliver the most natural and consistent look.
Can you transition from the wrong hair extensions?
Sometimes clients may end up with the wrong hair extensions in the way they are applied, making it uncomfortable, or hard to maintain, or both. Much like this customer and her video, yes you can transition to a better method. With careful removal of the previous hair extensions, and allowing the original hair to regain its natural form. Applying the Veila Pull-Thru method with the microbeads are going to give you a much better application making it easier for maintenance and comfort for daily wear.
The Veila commitment
When it comes to how hair extensions are applied, Veila Pull-Thru with Virgin hair is the best combination you can have. Having the control on tension and not damaging the client's hair using our microbeads delivers the best experience a customer can have. This allows the client to enjoy their new-found confidence without the side effects of discomfort and the constant tugging. Don't hesitate to ask us about the Veila solution, and how we can help you or your customers improve their experience with hair extensions.
The Veila Pull-Thru brand is sold exclusively to hair salons, hairstylists, and licensed professionals. You will need to register in order to shop our hair extensions, tools, etc. The pricing of the product and service is at your own discretion.
Customer Service
Customer service is tops on our list and we hope to provide you with the best shopping experience. For questions, feel free to contact us.